
Friday May 16, 2014
'American Boomerang' w/ Chad Briggs
Friday May 16, 2014
Friday May 16, 2014
In this episode, Cody is joined by friend of the show, Peter-john Byrnes, and their guest: comedian and actor Chad Briggs to discuss the feminization of the great American cowboy/pioneer in the book 'The American Boomerang' written by "one of the orators of our generation", Nick Adams.
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Thursday May 01, 2014
'The Lonely Path of Vampire' w/ Stephanie Hasz
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
This is an important episode. Ranjit is leaving the hosting mic for greater and greener pastures, but we take the opportunity of his final show as co-host of Tomefoolery to introduce everyone to our new co-host: Stephanie Hasz (and also vampires)!
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
'Castration' w/ Sayjal Joshi
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
In this episode, Cody and Ranjit are joined by comedian and actress Sayjal Joshi to talk about everyone's favorite topic: castration. Specifically, the book 'Castration: The Advantages and the Disadvantages' by Victor T Cheney. And, boy howdy, do they learn a lot.
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Monday Mar 17, 2014
"How to Refuse Alien Abduction" w/ Cody & Ranjit
Monday Mar 17, 2014
Monday Mar 17, 2014
In this special episode, Cody and Ranjit decide to get to know each other better by discussing their commitment to bubble light and the PDF booklet "How to Refuse Alien Abduction". They learn all about good aliens, bad aliens, and Cody goes on a rant about Old Testament misinterpretation.
You can find "How to Refuse Alien Abduction" here: http://www.thelightside.org/PDFbooklet.pdf
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Monday Mar 03, 2014
'Days of War Nights of Love' w/ Goodrich Gevaart
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Cody is joined by friend-of-the-show, Peter-john Byrnes, and Chicago comedian and fantastic human Goodrich Gevaart to discuss the "Punk Manifesto" 'Days of War Nights of Love' from CrimethINC AND many things that Cody knows nothing about, like music, parties, being cool, and--apparently--modern sports attire. 'Days of War Nights of Love' can be found for FREE here: http://www.daysofwarnightsoflove.com/
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
SCUM Manifesto w/ Kelly Stone
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Cody is down in New Orleans for the New Orleans Comedy and Arts Festival and is bringing on friend-of-the-show, Peter-john Byrnes, as well as San Marcos comedian Kelly Stone to discuss the SCUM Manifesto, the kill-all-men mynifesto written by Valerie Solanas, the woman who shot Andy Warhol. And, boy, does this episode get intense.
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Saturday Feb 01, 2014
'Ten Stupid Things Women Do' w/ Jen Ellison & Erica Reid
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Ranjit and Cody find themselves mired in a mine-field of mistakes women make in Dr. Laura Schlessinger's book, 'Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives' with comedians and hosts of Drunk Monkeys on YouTube (Youtube.com/FuzzyGerdes). This book is not only a digestible list, but also a horrible glimpse into the mind of a woman who refuses to take bullshit!
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Tomefoolery Super Show!
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Cody and Ranjit revisit some of their favorite moments of the first 21 episodes of Tomefoolery. Some of the weirdest, craziest, most heartfelt, and insane parts of the show from Edgar Allan Poe's only novel to #ReptiliansBeTrippin and everything in between. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed making it over the last year and a half.
Follow Tomefoolery for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please rate and review on iTunes! Every bit helps. Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Friday Jan 03, 2014
'Children of the Matrix' w/ Erin Lane
Friday Jan 03, 2014
Friday Jan 03, 2014
Ranjit and Cody dive head-first into the insanity of 'Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thousands of Years-and Still Does' w/ Erin Lane (comedian & playwright). Usually, you'd imagine that a book about secret reptilian overlords and sub-dimensional planes would be rather straightforward, but no, this episode gets quite silly. #ReptiliansBeTrippin
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes! Also, email us at Tomefoolery@gmail.com with any questions or comments. We love to hear from you!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
'Twilight' w/ Rachael Mason
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Ranjit and Cody are dragged through the desolate desolation of Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' by Rachael Mason (Second City, our hearts). The good news is: everyone survived! The bad news is: this entire podcast is about the book 'Twilight' written by Stephenie Meyer! Somehow, this book was worse than a book about the Holocaust being caused by homosexuals. Listen along as Cody has a nervous breakdown under the realization that Stephenie Meyer has a career as an author.
Follow 'Tomefoolery' for information about upcoming episodes & books: @Tomefoolery and Facebook.com/Tomefoolery. Please feel free to rate and leave feedback on iTunes! Also, email us at Tomefoolery@gmail.com with any questions or comments. We love to hear from you!
Special Thanks to Olin Kidd for the logo design and Rob & John Scallon for the awesome theme song. More Scallon music can be found at youtube.com/RobScallon.